Monday 24 June 2024

Monday Blues !

I bounced back after every obstacle
I bounced back after every struggle 
I bounced back after every illness 
I bounced back after challenging projects 
I bounced back after tough customers  
I bounced back by hope and faith 
I bounced back physically and emotionally 
I bounced back to enrich and nurture myself

I bounced back to prove myself!

This is where it all begins! 

Bouncing back evolves just not your mind to be trained & tuned to face any uncertain situation but also to stand tall amidst all your hard times! 

Be it personal or professional front, hitting Monday blues with self confidence and positivity will ensure you more productivity every hour! 

Follow the 4Ds in every path you encounter- discover, define, discuss and decide! 

I hope this post fills your mind and soul with lot of energy to relax, unwind and connect to the world 🌍 window 🪟 

Give a self pat as you own your own race! 

Buy your own time and taste your success! 

It’s time to get empowered! 

Let your Marathon continue! 

#bounce back # break boundaries 


P.S - This is my post in my linkedin network. Privileged to have this as my first post for this year in my blog! 

Monday 1 January 2024

A Glittering Spectrum !

Yet another year with solid experiences ! 
Yet another year with true blessings ! 
Yet another year where many of us took the road less travelled ! 
Yet another year with obstacles and challenges ! 
Yet another year with lot of gratitude and gratefulness ! 
Yet another year where I strived hard to work towards my passion !

As we approach yet another brand new beginning, I would like to rewind my journey over the year for which I feel humbled in every manner. 

Life at every stage seems to be more intense than you expect it to happen. Not many fruitful  days as you wished, many hard stops which you wouldn't wished to happen, strived for more Me-Time which failed to occur, many silent days where you wouldn't want to do anything, the hard times when I wanted to post something on my blog and I couldn't do it, etc. All these will take a front seat when you wanted to lookback at your whole year. It is said - It is always the negative vibes which attracts you more than positive. I wanted to break this stereotype! 

With a sip of coffee, a corner table in a library, I took my pocket sized notepad to reflect all the positive moments that took a glittering spectrum this year. I kept jotting down and to my surprise the number kept increasing. I realized the power of "Small". It was all tiny changes but yet powerful. It was all short term goals which paved way for a great path. I observed how a realistically the transformations occurred in my life. My small step brought tons of happiness on its own way. The manageable steps which I saw as opportunities gave me a new perception to that change. I made a self appreciation of the tiny moments. I saw my failures as a learning curves over the year. I was so amazed to count these as my blessings which gave a solid stamp this year. 

Discovering my Encyclopedia across reading and learning was one such positive impact which attempted to create a footprint this year. Library and Books has always been a place to be to create and make great memories. It creates a sense of transformation across many genre in your life. My frequent visits to the local libraries along with my little one made a great influence to nurture the knowledge and again experiences that you never had before. 

Every min spent with books have built the inner confidence. Making memories as a family was a great pleasure and brought in a lot of exposure. My kid stood as a window to the world outside. Learning from your little one makes you discover the inner strength in you. It helps you to make choices and decisions to live life to the fullest. It gives you a silver lining to your own rainbow. 

Hence this is where it all began. My reading and learning journey will continue to make a strong influence over the upcoming year as well.

Relax, Rewind and Recharge yourself for the upcoming 2024 :) 
Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year ! 

Enjoy the fantastic days ahead! 

A glimpse of my captures

Sunday 6 March 2022

An Icing on the cake......

“You stood up tall, amidst all the circumstances” - That's what my conscience said with confidence when I laid my pen down after finishing this post! 


A journey of passion,
A journey of pride, 
A journey of sustainability, 
A journey of emotions, 
A journey of words, & 
A journey of my beginning :) 


I feel humbled and proud to welcome a decade into my world of blogging. This post is so special as it takes me down the memory lane. Ever since I started blogging in 2012, I have striven hard to keep my website active with my best contemplation and  contents. The sense of pride of being a blogger and nourishing every day with positivism is infectious. Grateful to this being spread across a decade and many more years to come!

Every post is like my child. It wasn’t an easy tenure all through these years,  I had bittersweet experiences, challenging days, tough contents etc, but all that has striven to tap the potential in me as a writer. There were days when my heart wanted to post something but situations restricted it. However I made efforts to grab my pen and complete it. My blog gave me space to improve myself, manifest my words to the next level and gave me confidence to continue my passion amidst all situations. I made a point that every layman enjoys the essence of my thoughts through a public forum. Have always meant to keep it simple and sweet, however not short, as many of my posts were way lengthy :) 

This medium has given me confidence and strength to race over time. My words have opened many doors for my problems. There was always a sense of bliss when I wrapped up my post. I had short term goals to put my views on the table with consistency. My aim was to give quality posts rather than counting ones. I make sure to take that time and effort to give the best post which even a layman could taste. All these have bundled up to an immeasurable joy which would last forever. It's my cup of coffee with that little extra sugar of optimism! This made me resilient ! 

My education was my backbone, my work was my second family. I was blessed to have both of them as it gave me a lot of exposure and experience around my world. Every word I pen down has an emotion which has built a bonding all through to give birth to a post. All my homework has paved the way to nourish a post as my child. My post knows my pain and pleasure, which has always stood behind my thoughts and emotions. 

On this "World book day 3rd Mar 2022" week, I am pleased to put forth a "close to heart" post which is all about music and books. What else one could wish for in the 10th year of blogging! 


I was amazed when my daughter took my notes and started singing her own chords! That moment I felt I had given some justice to my gurus (teachers) who introduced Music to me.

My inclination towards the swarms of music started right from childhood. I always felt music and writings go in parallel. Every time my keyboard hits a key on my screen, my foot taps with a beat. Every post travels all along with some rhythm in them, with some emotions which connect my audience. There is never a day without my headset and diary! grew up listening to incredible tunes and voices. They made my day !

My sister's companion was my biggest strength in my journey. Our fascination doubled as we started feeling our emotions towards music together. I had more of a stand on divine classical music and my teachers have been my biggest inspiration. Our interest became our passion, we started rejoicing in the chords for instruments, we learnt from our mentors and inferred music is all our life. We performed at religious events which made us proud as siblings. The 8 swarms (S R G M P D N S) became our best pals. Can't forget our childhood days singing together, learning together and performing together. Also, we have been blessed with such parents whose double Es (encouragement and enthusiasm) never ends  towards us and that always keep us going!!

With several years of learning the classical genre, I have now started mentoring kids. I believe happiness is always sharing rather than gaining. The more you put your notes on the table, the best you get in return. This year, in my decade of blogging I have started nourishing my knowledge with the kids. 

There started my journey, the chords became my bliss and soul of life. It started spreading love and joy all over. Be it either classical or western or any genre of tunes, I loved it. I could feel the bonding towards it. My passion doubled with satisfaction. My foot started tapping for more tunes, more rhythms as I started to learn and explore more. I haven't performed on big stages or became a popular singer, but I have always been a quality singer for my conscience. 

Music is a pure Magic, 
Magic is having soulful Rhythms, 
Rhythm is an Art,
Art is my Phrases,
Phrases are thoughts, 
Thoughts are my writings! 

This Journey will stand beside me forever. The tunes gave me a meaning, they blossomed as beautiful flowers in my world of writing and singing. I will cherish my learning and keep spreading the joy of music!

I always dreamt of writing something on music and I couldn’t find a better occasion to celebrate it than posting it on my 10th year. Let the musical journey begin!

I always felt - "You need not be a superstar chef/baker to make a great cake, but a person who can squeeze the essence of it and recreate it with an icing on top :)"

Sending all the Love !
Let your day sparkle !
Let the good times begin musically!

I am thankful to all my followers and well wishers who stood behind me for every word that I pen down. 

My Pen, My Sword ! 
Being grateful for this Decade !

Monday 8 March 2021

A Miracle !

At 4.30 PM : 

It was her monthly checkup to the gynecologist. Ankita looked herself to the mirror with so much pride and joy. The little baby bump had her world in it :) Yes, she was on her 36th week of this beautiful journey Pregnancy! 

A new baby is the beginning of all things - a wonder, a hope and a dream of all possibilities. She and her husband Kunal were super excited and was all set to start this new phase/role in their life. They will soon become the new parents in the town :) They booked a cab and reached the hospital on time. The hospital had it's usual crowd and Ankita was waiting outside the doctor's room patiently.

At 5.00 PM : 

It was a Ankita's turn. She and Kunal stepped inside the gynecologist room. The checkup lasted for more than 45 minutes which was unusual for Ankita. She was informed that she need to take few more tests to check on the baby's current situation. It felt something fishy over Ankita's and Kunal's mind. 

At 7.00 PM : 

Ankita was in ICU now. She had severe complications with respect to the labor and the gynecologist started briefing about the complications to Kunal who was cracking his knuckles in stress. Tension prevailed around. Kunal took a sip of water and sat outside the ICU. He started to think about his lovable wife and their tiny world inside her tummy. Kunal started recollecting about  Ankita and memorable memories flashed by,,


ANKITA is someone who is very special to Kunal. She was an orphan. She was found in a tiny village who was then bought into the hands of an Orphanage. She grew up there with rest of them. During her initial days of her childhood, there had been a lot of negative talk and spread about her unknown parents. In spite of having many obstacles, she tried hard to purse her passion for studies. She tried to give her best on every step that came across. She strived to taste success slowly from all these odds and failures. She turned the gloomy days into sunny ones. She spread kindness and positivity in and around her. Growing up as an orphan was not an easy thing for her as she earned few people's hatred, however life gave her all faith, will power and confidence to make her Footprints!  

As days passed, Ankita started working for a reputed organization. She started to gain people's trust, faith & credit at the organization. She fell in love with Kunal who apparently happened to be her colleague at the team. They both loved each other to the core and believed on each other. Kunal became her soul partner. They both shared a great chemistry and good vibes. The love between them doubled as years passed. The stood as a great example as how a perfect couple could be :) Having faced so many ups and down, nothing stopped Ankita from becoming a beautiful women, an entrepreneur, a lovable wife and now a Mother. 

She is just an epitome of confidence. Every challenge has its way and the WAY is on the way !


At 8.30 PM :  

Kunal' s mobile rang with a call, making him awake from his thoughts.. It has been close to 2 and half hours since Ankita stepped into ICU. She had several complications on her body and this baby was literally a blessing to the couple which was nearly after 10 years of their marriage. Kunal was waiting with hope and patience to hear the current update on Ankita and the little one.

At 9.00 PM : 

The doctors advised that it's time to inject labor pain and get the baby out. They baby was in full growth now and the it is safe to get the baby right now. They couldn't wait for few more weeks to happen it normally due to the current health issues of Ankita. 

At 9.30 PM : 

The gynecologist was examining Ankita's contractions every 3 to 5 minutes. Her cervix was not getting dilated even after injecting labor pain. To add on, the umbilical cord was also surrounded over the baby's neck and there is a shortness of breath for the baby. The baby started pooping inside the uterus which became more complicated. The doctor conveyed that they would go in for C-section as Ankita had lot of complications all over. The labor room was filled with high level anxiety and stress. Kunal was chanting prayers and hoping that destiny would bring their kid to them. 

At 11.30 PM : 

Some signs of good things! Ankita's cervix started to dilate and uterus wall started to become thinner which can make way for the baby now. Kunal was called inside the labor room. Though the doctors were doing their best and was confident, they could feel a sense of pressure to bring both the baby and the mother safe. Ankita felt shortness of breath as she started pushing. She continued her Pranayama (an exercise in Yoga) . Doctors instructed her to push the baby out. Nurses kept monitoring Ankita's health and baby's. She tried her level best to push the baby. Kunal held her hands, but the pain went on vain as she stopped pushing the child. "Oh god" - said one of the doctors with intense sadness. The baby was in mid way neither stepping for a C- section nor a natural birth making things even more worse. Sometimes, Destiny had its own decision ! 

At 11.45 PM : 

The doctors finally decided to go for a water birth. Everything was in place and ready to go. 

At 12.15 AM

Miracles do happens at times. Ankita was now able to push the baby out with ease, her cervix was 3 cm dilated allowing a passage for the baby. Every minute she had her determination, her baby kept listening as she spoke. The doctors had their hope and prayers kept going. Babies react to their mother's words and thinks it's time to come out and see the the world. 

At 12.32 AM :  

Finally, there She was :) A little angel, A precious peanut and a little bundle of Joy for this beautiful lovely couple. Their happiness was just priceless and can't be expressed in words. Her happy tears ran over her cheeks as she kissed her baby. The practitioner held 2 clamps on the chord. Using sterile scissors, Kunal cut the umbilical chord between the clamps. It was an absolutely a Miracle welcome - said one of the doctors :) The doctors had a huge sign of relief. Words were not enough to express their thank you and dedication to the doctors to get both Mother and the baby safe. Kunal conveyed his thank you to the Doctors & Nurses who stood behind them all along. Ankita and the baby were shifted to the ward as their health need to be monitored for couple of days still. Ankita nursed her first milk to the little angel. "She is our world" - said Kunal as he touched her little fingers and held Ankita with a smile :) 

A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty ! An immeasurable God's Gift! 


"Every pain has a new beginning !" - was the title that Anjali penned for her story. She wrapped up her story with sheer happiness, joy and satisfaction. It's been 25 years since Anjali had stepped into this beautiful world. Yes Ankita was her mom. Her Mom is her world ! Anjali celebrates Her ! 

She sees her mom in these ways,

  • She is an Angel who stepped in our lives to make it meaningful
  • She is so feminine, so complete and so divine
  • She is my wonder-women being the strongest warrior 
  • She rejoices and reboots herself after every hurdle 
  • She is my miracle who gave me all the strength and courage  
  • She believed she could and she did it  
  • She is born to nurture herself and us all along
  • She taught me all learnings after every downfall/failure  
  • She is powerful with confidence & will power within 
  • She is a blessing, our life, my role and my inspiration 
  • She stood up for herself and for what I am today
  • She is my WOMEN


From rags to riches, we have seen women empowering in all the aspects of life. There are many Ankita's in this universe who deserve all the joy and good health, it is just not about their sacrifices but more than that!

You are born to be role model and you deserve all the happiness in the world. You are an inspiration to yourself. There is no limit that women can accomplish. Hats off to all the feathers that women wear on her Hat.  

A big shout to all the women out there. WOMEN shine and excel in all fields with so much dignity, passion and belief. She is just not loving and graceful, but independent, talented, inspiring, powerful, creative and just amazing! No matter Even if it takes a while, She handles every responsibility with a smile. 

We as Women, can make happiness to bloom forever in spite of all odds. Life can spring from us as a new season! We complete the world.


Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend or Wife, No matter what their role is. They add meaning to our existence. They bring love to our life. 

Let's us try to respect and love her for what she is. Teach your kids the same! 

She has her own charm in every way ! WOMEN has always been a source of inspiration both for your family and society. Behind every successful women is a tribe of successful women who have stood for her! 

Nothing makes a women more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. Every women stands out to Brave, Brilliant and Beautiful in her own way. 

Happy Women's Day 2021 :) Wear a smile always. Leave a little Sparkle where ever you go !

It is just not today to celebrate her, but forever and always! 

P.S : Loved writing this fiction after quite some time. I owe a great respect to all the WOMEN in my life from whom I have gained numerous things till date. There are 'n' number of difficulties which women faces both from family/society &  physically/emotionally which cant be dealt or solved in a day. I will expressing my thoughts about it shortly in another post. This post is all about positivity !

Respect All. Spread Joy. Spread Happiness!

Disclaimer : The above story is just my imagination & thoughts of creative writing. Anything related to this in real life is purely coincidental. 

Friday 1 January 2021

Happiness is.........

"When prayers go up, showers of blessings come down" - One of my most favorite quote (thought) always! 

Finally, we have come to an end of this year 2020. I have already penned down my thoughts about this dreadful year and how we all can stay motivated during this  journey in my last post on my blog. Having said that enough, When one can find 'n' number of sorrows in many things, why can't we find millions of Happiness in the same ? 

This post is all about simple happiness that we can welcome in 2021 :) 

My diary had always been my best pal and will be forever as it holds all my emotions. For me, happiness is all about the little things around us. Recently I had an opportunity to share my thoughts on an online Radio Channel and it was an absolute pleasure! Indeed, it was a great platform to put forth your views and my happiness was my self satisfaction of rendering the message which I felt/experienced. Even-though the message was small, I tried to render it at my best. It was a great experience all-together! (A post will be there for this shortly :))  

So, here I come up with my most 30 things as what HAPPINESS means to me! The list might vary for each of us, but taking up the most needed values is what counts. So are you ready to count yours? Here we go, 

Happiness is......

  • Welcoming each day with a new beginning & a prayer  
  • Having a home with good, positive and healthy vibes always 
  • Giving a small appreciation to your spouse for a great filter coffee you had  
  • Seeing yourself as a great Role model for your children 
  • Glancing over your photo albums and getting nostalgic :)
  • Getting yourself fit with a great Yoga and a regular exercise
  • Nurturing and harvesting your little tomatoes or veggies from your garden 
  • Talking to your old friends/managers/teachers with sheer love & respect 
  • Becoming a kid again to join hands with your kids! 
  • Sharing all your emotions with your siblings 
  • Stepping on to a temple with lot of trust, hope & patience 
  • Portraying your thoughts on a Mandala Art & capturing them over a lens! 
  • Observing the tiny little things when your kid play around  
  • Hearing from your parents that they are safe and healthy 
  • Getting all the pampering & cuddle from your mom
  • Walking with your Dad to listen what LIFE is all about  
  • Lying down on a terrace and counting stars with your family  
  • Relishing your happy childhood times with your cousins! 
  • Teaching new things(new technology) to your parents politely 
  • Achieving your smallest goal/aim/dream of yourself 
  • Learning new things, enjoying and experiencing them to the fullest 
  • Going crazy about the little things around you 
  • Enjoying the beach corner with waves of hope coming to you 
  • Watching your favorite movie with your spouse and a pop-corn! 
  • A sign of great relief when you saved more than your target 
  • Tasting pure SUCCESS from a failure! 
  • Enjoying your passion/hobby and cherishing them 
  • Decorating your house with tiny crafts with your kids 
  • Receiving an heartfelt blessing from your well-wishers 
  • Helping, sharing and caring others especially when they are in need
Happy New Year 2021 :)

2020 has left with many questions unanswered, now its time to reboot ourselves with pride and joy to face 2021 with all the answers. Celebrate your strength and be proud of yourself. You have won this silent battle of wiping your own tears over the past 12 months. With all that has happened over in the past, lets forget and move on with a great start. Now its time to rejoice yourself and be grateful to the cherished moments you have experienced so far. 2021 is waiting to give you more cherishing moments! 

My Happiness is always WRITING! 
Happiness exists even in the smallest thing. It is just a mirror! 
Be the YOU who can define Happiness for! 
Talk to yourself as "Nothing is more beautiful than your own REFLECTION" :) 
Salute yourself! 
Keep learning & Keep sharing. Get inspired and be an inspiration to all. 
Staying kind, positive and humble will motivate you to a step higher ! 

Lets welcome 2021 with this great start, great hope and great spirit !

Wishing you all a wonderful, prosperous and healthy new year 2021 :) 

Stay Blessed ! 

P.S : This has been my smallest post in my blog :) I gracefully accepted some of reader's comments to make this one as a brief post! Thank you all so much for your valuable comments and support as always! Your comments keep me going. Means a lot! 

Disclaimer : All the above are my purely my thoughts and anything related to this in real life is purely coincidental. 

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Cherishing Your Charisma..!!

“Breathe In...... Breathe Out........” - said Maya to her little kids :)

It was 7 am in the morning and the dawn of the light dashed her window curtains with a silent breeze. Her two kids aged 6 & 8 years were keen on doing the Pranayama (an art/ exercise in Yoga 
which helps us to have control over our breath) with their mother's instructions. This has been their daily activity ever since they understood the benefits of Yoga & Fitness. An hour passed, then the kids wrapped up their session with a prayer to God. Maya hugs them both with a kiss on their forehead !   

Maya is a trained Yoga tutor who teaches not only to her kids but quite a few children from an orphanage too. She has been doing this as a service for more than a decade now who emphasizes that Yoga discovers the happiness and love in you. She has been an inspiration to all the other little kids around her. Maya's witty smile is what keeps her going, in-spite of many odds in her life! Adds up to this, she is also a blogger who expresses her ideas/thoughts through her Pen. She believes words can make wonders. After all,Words are a cup of motivation. 

The Mother of these brilliant kids have something to say to this World.  

She throws all her thoughts genuinely in this post as she feels its worth to read and chew it. 
With her Sip of Coffee in hand, Maya grabs a pen & paper to throw her thoughts. She begins...

This year 2020 is becoming the most dreadful year of all for everyone with the current circumstances around us. With not much going around, from the beginning of this year the only substance that comes on to all our minds is the virus pandemic which shuttered the entire globe. 

With the current quarantine/self-isolation/Lock-down/crown to huge people across the world, the questions that we all have is : 
How do we survive from this shatter? Where all this is going to lead us ? Are we on the right stand to face our lives ? When will we get back to normalcy ? Is this an human creation ? (If so it will be a betrayal to the entire mankind) Is this all for economy supremacy ? Social Media or Flash news across TV channels to compete each other, what is that we take in ? Is it Myth or Truth ? So on and so forth of questions must be banging our heads with an answer of BLANK to all questions. 

Everyone is facing their worst time in their lifetime as this has created history in the universe. We have to go with what is in front of us and believe to protect our lives and so others. We have to accept that this is going to be and this will be the new normal going forward. Acceptance is what is needed for now. 

Rain or shine, now l
et us just sit and relax for sometime and talk to ourselves to see what the world is telling us apart from this huge Covid-19 pandemic! 

I am giving birth to this post right now for us to contemplate and think over on some thoughts amidst this situation. I know its hard for all of us to lead our lives this way, however there is some little things that we could do to bring that small change during this pandemic. Here I am to pour my words to overcome this situation with my thoughts. If you feel worth it, please carry yourself with these as it will truly be a stress buster ! 

Be ready for this big roller coaster ride :) I am sure after this big post,  you will definitely take some points with you and there will be a change!!


Everyone in this world have a reason to be have born,
Every dawn is a new beginning for us to utilize and enjoy, 
Every moment that we own is worthy and expensive, 
Every activity that we do is being counted, 
Every prayer that we devote counts as a blessing, 
Every soul that we interact with, gives us some meaning,
Every hour that you spend at work with dedication makes you one step higher, 
Every relationship that you come across teaches you something, 
Every worry will make us more mature and teach a new lesson, 
Every failure will be a stepping stone for our success, 

"Every time I faced a challenge I solved it with my thoughts,,There is a Way and the Way is on its Way!!"  

VIBGYOR - The nature Rainbow has its own excellent 7 colors with it. It blossoms very rarely in the sky to show its own charm. One who sees it would always be lucky to get the utmost joy. 

Life has its own beauty which combines with nature of vibrant colors. Your life is your chance to prove that you are remarkable in your own way. When life is giving you an opportunity to explore the world around you, then why don't we utilize that golden ticket to step forward to stage yourself that you always wanted to do? Every person has an innocence behind, find it and cherish it ! Life is full of colors, rejoice and enjoy the present.

Everyone are so sick of this current situation that we want to get back to our Normalcy soon. Yes, of course. However there are certain pressures from Nature too which is way beyond our control. Our hands are tied up that we have to sustain to beat this successfully. God has always shut one door to open the another. Now it is time for us to peep out through the other door to tell the world that, you are remarkable who can be the reason for a good positive change. So come on, with spirit, let us see what Life/Nature has given us from other end, I am quoting down some random thoughts (that can be carried across every stage of life) which one can take it up during this stressful situation. Carry it yourself! 

I know this list would always be an endless one, but nevertheless its worthy ! 

Life has its own charm, Appreciate it :

  • Time is the best healer for any problem. Just give time the TIME. This too shall pass!
  • Make the best use of this TIME which is at your plate now 
  • Mother Nature is the Master of the entire universe and we are slaves of it. The current situation is the right example that none can rule over the world under his/her control. Try not to compete with HER, Respect HER for what she is and what she has done
  • Around this corner, be grateful for what you are having. There are people who are even struggling to get a pulse of food for their huger. 
  • Don't take things for granted making this pandemic a reason 
  • Be humble, be grateful and be polite for the gifts in life
  • Thank god for the air that you breathe in
  • There is no need to RUSH now for your daily routine, so life has given you a speed-breaker to halt and go slow 
  • Don't let the stress override you.Think and act slowly. 
  • This is the best time to Appreciate all the little things around you :) 
  • Make love and show that gratitude to everyone if you haven't done all these before in your life 
  • Enjoy the beauty of Nature. Go and see the sky at night. You will feel pleasant to count the stars  
  • Beauty doesn't stay in the pockets of money, but within hearts of pure hugs and kindness.
  • World continues to hold its charm, it is your eyes which can reflect it either good or bad 
  • Spread ideas, spread love, spread positive thoughts
  • Don't give up, Stand up for what up for what you believe in. 
  • Be positive and be awesome. Life is full of hope, positivism and balance.

Your body, Your health, Your fitness  

  • Now that time has given you sometime to take care of your body, spend wisely and take care of your health.
  • Develop an habit to make it in your routine 
  • Practice yoga. This helps to find the YOU in you. Yoga makes you both physically and mentally fit 
  • Your body is your owner. Listen to what it says as health is the expensive thing in the world. We could see it ruling over at present 
  • Cook yourself and make your own dishes. You are the best chef for yourself 
  • Have your dream kitchen and talk to it daily. It has lot of flavors which is always refreshing and can give you your life back in an healthier way 
  • Decorate your kitchen and season it with LOVE always! Enjoy your food with NO pulse of rice in your trash
  • Develop your immunity at least from now on
  • Avoid medications unless absolutely necessary, have a diet chart for yourself and stick it over the walls
  • Go back to your childhood phrase - 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away' 
  • Get fit your own way. Every health matters and means a lot to everyone
  • Own yourself, Be yourself  

Your Job, Your satisfaction , Your Savings : 

  • With the work from home policy with many organizations across the globe, people are striving hard to prove their capability
  • This is a difficult phase with face to face interaction not getting on your table, however just put your best effort to show them your dedication, also remember your satisfaction matters a lot 
  • Be precise, be calm and adapt to this new lifestyle. This is going to be the new work style
  • Your company values you the most now and trusts that you can do your BEST during this crisis, so don't put them down 
  • You are the CEO of a company and unable to manage this crisis,? Never mind, stay clam and the employees are with you to tackle this. YOU mean a lot to them 
  • Go digital by all your means. Build the confidence in you and let them know CODING is fun @ work ! 
  • Utilize this time to learn out a new technology 
  • Value your employment and respect it, because millions of people out there are striving hard to even get a loaf of bread
  • Be online and post your dedication at this peak hour
  • Say YES for online courses, Does would say a NO if its going for FREE :)
  • If you are at your break of maternity or sabbatical leave, its okay, rest for the period now as you will never get back this hour again. Spend time with your kids and make the best use of this time. 

Find the passion in you : 

  • During this hour of crisis, bring out the passion in you. This is the best stress buster that anyone can go for it. 
  • Be it either any crafts from any recycles, blogging, photography or any art - post it to your friends/well wishers. Be a role model for them. Who knows, you may be inspiring person and your art might be an inspiration to them as well
  • Share some useful tips that you come across on your page 
  • Listen to Music and shake your legs a while
  • Sing a song aloud so that your heart listens to it
  • Invest some time in reading books and writing on them. Make your book your best friend 
  • Think what you are good at and try to nourish them
  • Time has given you some time to think about it
  • Go creative. Ideas are the super powers now
  • Make the best out of your any household waste. This will in-cultivate the savings mode in you 
  • Write a poem and read it aloud
  • Create some inexpensive craft work from old newspapers. Value and reuse the old items
  • Make an odd sock bunny and put them on your table 
  • Make a mandala art, Make a Rangoli yourself ! 
  • Bring up your hidden talents
  • Do small things with great love. Happiness blooms from within.
  • Try to solve a puzzle all by yourself. Ask your kid to participate as you can learn from them 
  • If you are interested in cooking, try out new dishes to impress your spouse. This is the time to make more love :) Homemade is special always :)  

Need of the hour - I see the lock-down as this :)

Happiness recreated, Respect the lovey :

  • Be humble, be patient, respect the lovey. Do good and Be good
  • You could be the reason for smile behind someone, recreate that happiness 
  • Be humble and show kindness to your family and people around you. At this crisis when everyone is pissed off, this is all they want the the most 
  • Help the needy. Think you as ME at this need of hour. Life is always a Circle, what goes around will come again
  • Volunteer yourself to assist the needy or help by giving what you can to people who are doing volunteering during this pandemic 
  • Get blessings from your well wishers 
  • Recreate the things which makes you happy again. Go along with your heart and not your mind
  • Do online shopping instead of window shopping. Sometimes happiness comes in tiny packages! 
  • Distant calling is the new call these days. Ring to your favorite people and do a video call with them 
  • Cultivate a habit on reading newspaper daily. Knowledge is always power
  • Hope and Love are the most things needed now 
  • Be silent and enjoy your joy so as to last for an extra while!

Family time, Value it  : 

  • This is the most wanted substance during this period 
  • There is been more of technology ruling over us than our care and affection to our family. 
  • Be a sole owner to have a good family time with your spouse, kids and parents
  • Leave your ego and talk to your spouse amidst fights or anger. This is the best time for you to understand your spouse and start leading a new life 
  • Have an ear for your partner's problems and solve it with your thoughts 
  • Sit and talk to your parents who have crossed your age long ago. They need your attention now as loneliness would haunt them. 
  • Let your kid play with their grand parents and spend plenty amount of time 
  • Talk to your parents on savings and future as they are the ones who have bleed to get a good future for you 
  • Teach your grand parents something new at this time! Make them feel comfortable and cozy
  • A friend is need, a friend in deed. Talk to your friends and laugh out at the craziest things
  • Cousins and relatives are your next family, value them and spend time in talking, get rekindled with your childhood memories and cherish those moments by taking pictures 
  • Be romantic with love and care rather than anger and misunderstanding
  • Don't show your anger to kids at the heat of the moment. You can't be a bad example for your kids. Instead make silence and put a SMILE on your face. Silence doesn't mean you are Dumb! 
    • Spread the love, not hatred, 
    • Spread your teachings,  not the ego, 
    • Spread your thoughts/values, not by authority
    • Spread colors, not terror 
    • Spread happiness, not the sorrow 

ME time , Go crazy :) 

  • Create a ME time for yourself. I know this is the most difficult task for anyone, however identify some time for yourself 
  • You are the soul of your happiness, do don't let it go down 
  • Dress up yourself well and talk positive with you over the mirror 
  • Worries keep haunting us everyday, but don't let yourself go on inferior mode. Sit, relax a while and stand up straight with confidence to face the world. 
  • Never mind if you are not contributing to your family with a Penny, life is more than it in this world. Take it easy
  • Pamper yourself with a face mask, truly-fruity and healthy food
  • Rejuvenate and pamper yourself. Take care of your skin and hair. 
  • Want to clear your phone memory - this is the best time to do
  • Give a chance to read all those unread mails which is been there for years on your inbox. Never you will get this time if your kids are back to school :) 
  • Are you a technology freak, if so go viral with your new ideas even though you have zero motivators for it. Self motivation is the best, pat a back on yourself
  • Go and post all your good pics and give a cherish-able throwback 
  • Your clothes are messy always ? Now take a time to rearrange your wardrobe. Give the old ones to the needy to count your blessings ! 
  • Finally enjoy your passion, enjoy your hobbies. I am doing it right now as it gives me a sense of happiness! 
  • Be in the festive mood and rejoice like never before
  • My health and happiness is my responsibility, no matter what my faults are I am unique !

Take a while off from Social Media : 

  • We live in a world where advertising/ social media wants us to be a person whom they can manipulate
  • We are so attached to social media that we have hampered our own potential growth and kept our true self from shining. Why do we do so ? 
  • Restrict the usage of Social media and think on owing yourself
  • Try to restrict from technology and spend more time with family. Family is LOVE
  • Let us try not to follow others blindly over this. We can’t own our self simply because we have forgotten what we truly look like
  • Look at the mirror and speak up to what you really are, what you really owe rather than following members on Social Media 
  • Social media is powerful tool and use this tool for spreading love and good, not jealousy and show-off 
  • The world is just looking good, but its actually not feeling good from within
  • Don't pussyfoot all around your life thinking what society will think about it, stop it there and be an inspiration for others 
  • Say no to the things that doesn’t give you utmost joy 
  • Learn to heal your mind!

Every picture tells you a story! 

Parenting, A huge task, Be a Role Model : 

  • Parenting is an Art, If you are an young parents or experienced, take this task with a huge respect and devotion so that you bring your child well
  • Understand your kid's language. Every child has a language of own. Decipher what the child says during this terrible hour and give them the most comfort zone rather getting frustrated. 
  • You will miss your children once they are out to normalcy soon, hence take this time to understand their emotions
  • Sit with the kids and speak in clear, simple sentences to encourage your child's articulation 
  • Teach your kids the good values that you have swallowed in your life. Make them your best friends
  • Put your iPhone aside for sometime and mess up with your kids activities !  Bring out the kid in you 
  • Hug and cuddle your child more often as this is what they need the most during this hour 
  • Your  child is physically and mentally capable of more and more, and every day is jammed with new experiences, sights, sounds and words. Find the talent in your kid as this is a huge task for parents
  • Every child is special in its own way
  • Talk to your spouse on your kid's future and give them that nourishment 
  • Give them the freedom to talk & space to grow
  • Get the colors on hands with your kids, let them make a mess and learn from it :) 
  • If you have toddlers at home, make them participate in online story time from library.
  • Make them read more books. Reading is a BLISS
  • Talk to your children and understand their teen age. This is the age where children needs most attention 
  • "Pretend & Play" - this is one of the activity that toddlers love to play with parents, make sure you play with them. 
  • If you are working parents, ensure that you engage your child in some craft activities which is Fun for them. I understand that it is really difficult to spend time during this hour, but be positive and trust me  they create lot of MAGIC
  • Do home schooling for your kids over the weekends! 
  • Dance and sing with your child. Teach them what you preach
  • Make learning a fun. They easily grasp at this stage, teaching a new language is a good welcome.

Stay positive, stay healthy, stay strong, stay home & stay safe : 

  • This can be our new normal if things travel the same way, hence let us adapt to this new lifestyle 
  • Make your plans according to this and adjust to your routine
  • Let us do our job and things will naturally fall in place 
  • Get focused and stay positive instead of drilling down too much into the issue 
  • Utilize the maximum period which is at your plate 
  • Focus on what is in front of you 
  • Your body, Your mind and Your soul - it will act on what you feel, just remember this 
  • You are the MIRROR to your little kids @ HOME, so present yourself good as they COPY you 

Home Sweet Home , Huge Respect to MOM : 

  • Every home has a life in it, respect and value it 
  • Every home has a beautiful MOM, Respect her for what she had done, it's extraordinary.GIRL power
  • Make Men to understand her feelings/emotions as she stands a percent higher than Men. Even if she something wrong, put aside with a SMILE as she gets you a hot cup of coffee the very next moment :)  
  • Appreciate the little things that your home gives you, that your women gives you! 
  • Talk to the walls of the house, they do have ears and they are ready to lend forward
  • Your house can make miracles, the more you give to it, the double you get
  • Make a nice garden, give a life to those tiny seeds
  • Spend some time to keep this shelter clean and tidy
  • Decorate your home with ethnic crafts and see the change. It brings lot of positive vibes 
  • Let your home bring all that you need in your life! 
  • Every house is a palace of its own. It's a paradise. 
  • A pleasant and loving atmosphere in your home always is the true foundation for your life.  

Make A Salute : 

  • Finally spend a min to thank all the Key workers across the globe who are been in and out during this crisis. Their effort is priceless and cannot be compared. 
  • At this moment, Doctors are the saviors for us. Bow your head, Salute them for what they are responsible now. This is one of the most challenging hardship in their entire lifetime ! 
  • Respect and value the other front-line workers who strive to help the patients across the world without thinking about their own families 
  • Salute to the government and other staffs associated who are also doing their best to keep you and the city safe and sound. 
  • Show some gratitude to the people who have helped you during this need of the hour ! 
  • Keep chanting your prayers for he is listening to you always,

"Keep Standing, Keep hoping, Keep believing I am coming" - God 

Get inspired and be an inspiration to all. 
Cherish innocence ! Cherish your Charisma! 
Maya gives a deep breath after putting her pen down ! 

This is her best post ever on her blog, even though its a lengthy one. She feels - "Why make someone talk about it when you are good at it :)"

I genuinely thank all the readers for reading till the end. Hope you all enjoyed. I am sure at-least few of my points must have created an impact on you and let the MAGIC do the rest.

Love to my twin sister who stood beside me to finish this long post.It took a month for me to polish and bring it in front of you. This might be my biggest post ever in my blog, however I don't regret for it as every sentence has its own story behind. I am happy portraying it on my own Space. 

Pictures courtesy : My fav quotes from internet, home pictures and few ones are from my sister too.  

PS: My sister is very good at photography. Do check out her pics @
You will enjoy watching them :) 

Finally, Many thanks to my family, friends, relatives, well wishers and each and everyone for all your continuous support, encouragement and trust on me, which keeps me writing more and more! Really means a lot. Humbled!!! 

Be Kind & Spread Love.We are ONE world. 

Let’s be together, stay together and beat this situation together. This too shall pass!
Stay Home! Stay Safe! 

Disclaimer : All posts in this blog are mine. The above post is purely my thoughts on this crisis and lock-down. Any resemblance of thoughts to this with a real incident or dead is purely coincidental.